A project to make people all over the world appreciate the quality and the healthiness of our "Lemon of Etna PGI".
The key to everything was the freshness of catanese seltz, the typical summer drink of Catania kiosks, that people usually have to beat the heat.
Our lemons farm is located in Acireale, in the district of Catania, on the slopes of the volcano Etna, surrounded by the east coast of Sicily, between Taormina and Catania.
The "Lemon of Etna PGI" grows just here, the best ingredient to preparare awesome appetizers, dishes and desserts, with an intense and unique aroma.
The authentic catanese seltz
Prepare it by yourself with our Seltz Kit
Do you need a lot of lemons for your business or for your family?
Receive at your home all the fresh lemons you want!

Subscribe to a lemonseltz special price and worry-free plan!
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CONTACT USThe Lemon of Etna PGI
Our lemon trees grow in a lava soil and are watered with the melted snow flowing from the peak of the Etna volcano.
In the juice and in the untreated peel of fruits occur a lot of bioactive and antioxidant substances, vitamin C, polyphenols, flavonoids and terpenes.
Our lemon trees stand out for the juice, albedo and flavedo fragrance and flavour of their fruits, as well as for the production of verdello lemons (the summer lemons), typical along the Ionian Sea coast of Sicily.
We can produce this lemons, that are light green upon ripening, thanks to the lava soil and a particular farming tecnhinque called “forzatura”.
Verdello lemons are available during the summer, from may to september.
Their juice is more rich of vitamin C, polyphenols e flavonoids than of the other seasonal lemons productions ones, as established by a scientific research released by the CREA-OFA of Acireale (Catania).

Citrus Production District of Sicily

Our farm joined the Citrus Production District of Sicily, involving all citrus-growing areas identified under PDO and PFI labels.
We believe that we can reach new goals by adopting common marketing strategies.
Our mission is make know the autenthic taste and the healthiness of our citrus fruits and processed citrus fruits, the best in the world, beacause they grow in Sicily, the isle of sun in the center of the mediterranean Sea, as well as people and traditions.
Discover more about Citrus Production District of Sicily blockchain project we joined.
Lemon of Etna PGI Producers Association
The producers association supports, enhances, and take care of general interests of Lemon of Etna PGI.
It protects and pays attention, in Italy and abroad, so that everyone doesn’t use illegally, the lettering “Lemon of Etna PGI” or its relative symbol to mislead buyers or consumers.
It enhances the application of disciplinary supporting consortium members refining their product, giving them information, directives and assistance.
It chooses the supervisory body and assists anti-fraud ministerial bodies.
It promotes in Italy and abroad the knowledge and spread on “Lemon of Etna PGI”, as well as its unique features and its supply chain with advertising campaigns.
It takes care of interests of consortium members and of supply chain by participating and joining other associations such as the Citrus Production District of Sicily.

Etna’s Terra dei Limoni

Our firm is associated to the business network “Etna’s Terra dei Limoni”, a group of “Lemon of Etna PGI” farmers, sharing their activity and experience to give added value to their products, enhancing their efforts, land and traditions.
Discover more on this article released by the professional specialized newspaper FreshPlaza.